Siga 10.02.2014 11:54
Silvija Jakovljević 09.02.2014 11:36
Mrvicu offtopic:
(ali takav je dan)
Siga 09.02.2014 10:32
Siga 09.02.2014 20:10
The Handsome Family: Far From Any Road
From the dusty may sun, her looming shadow grows
Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote
She twines her spines up slowly towards the boiling sun
And when I touched her skin, my fingers ran with blood
In the hushing dusk, under a swollen silver moon
I came walking with the wind to watch the cactus bloom
And strange hands haunted me, the looming shadows danced
I fell down to the thorny brush and felt the trembling hands
When the last light warms the rocks and the rattlesnakes unfold
Mountain cats will come to drag away your bones
And rise with me forever across the silent sand
And the stars will be your eyes and the wind will be my hands
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