vragec1 01.08.2016 07:46
vragec1 19.07.2016 20:31
Jel usporedivo?Ja bih rekao da je....dapače
ogledalce 19.07.2016 20:25
My dear,
Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain from you your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you, and let it devour your remains.
For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it's much better to be killed by a lover.
Falsely yours, Henry Charles Bukowski"
vragec1 19.07.2016 20:14
All in nature ends in tragedy and I was the first to finally fade away from my grandfather's memories. How long 'til the day my memories of him finally fade away? Dissolving into gray. Is breathing just the ticking of an unwinding clock? Just counting down the time it takes for you to comprehend the sheer magnitude of every single precious breath you've ever wasted? I did everything I could. I bargained with the universe to take my life instead of hers. But no amount of money, drugs or tears could keep her here. What purpose did her suffering serve? Is breathing just the ticking of an unwinding clock? Just counting down the time it takes for you to comprehend the sheer magnitude of every single precious breath you've ever wasted? So much misery. So much indifference to so much suffering that we can become tempted by appeals to hatred. But this world ain't nothing more than what we make of it. Revenge ain't no solution to the inevitable pain that every single one of us must face in losing the kindred spirits in our lives. Lives so brief, so disappointing, so confusing. As Cronie slipped away I held her in my arms, reduced to "Please don't leave me. What will I do?" But this cosmic sadness is just here to remind you that without Love, breathing is just the ticking of...
vragec1 19.07.2016 19:59
uvod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRrYCBWb0Y
nastavak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOu_VTTiiGU
p.s.našao sam ubrzanje :)
ogledalce 17.07.2016 10:58
Jedan roker bubnjo,
probio mi glavu,
otjerao koke,
uplašio kravu.
Lara 17.07.2016 05:54
Bubnjarske legende, od pjesama do bubnjara, od Ringa do Grohla. Zepellini su mi favorit, a predlažem još:
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